A Useful Message from Eugene,

The quality of the data we collect among other things depends on the shift takers' dedication to their job.   1.  Make sure you register at least 7 days before your planned arrival to JLab!   2.  Make sure that your training is up to date. Most of the required taring is web-based with the exception of Rad Worker training. If you need this, you have to schedule it in advance.   3.  All expert shifts must be done in person. Remote worker shifts are still possible, however, you should notify PDL and RC that you want to do your shift remotely and your reasons for that.   4.  If you are going to take shift remotely, you would need to have MFA setup so that you can log in to the counting house computers.  If you plan to take (a) remote shift(s), you MUST test your setup (including VNC connection) at least 24 hours before your first shift!   1.  If this is your first shift for the current experiment, you must read and understand the following documents: Conduct Of Operations (COO), Experiment Safety Assessment Document (ESAD), Radiation Safety Analysis Document (RSAD). All these documents are available on the Run web page https://www.jlab.org/Hall-B/run-web/index_rgc.html . You acknowledge this by signing the signature sheet in the yellow binder in the counting-house. This binder has hard copies of these documents.   1. You have to come to your shift prepared. Here are the things to do before your every shift:   1.  Read information on the run wiki: https://wiki.jlab.org/clas12-run/index.php/Run_Group_C , especially the tabs Short term schedule, Shift Expert, and Worker shift. They are updated by the Run Coordinator often as the run goes. Thus, refresh your web browser to get the latest. The run wiki has the run plan, all standard procedures and references, pending problems and solutions, and instructions for the shift takers.   2.   3.  Read logbook log entries for the previous 24 hours. to be aware of the run status, problems and solutions if any.   4.  Come to your shift early! so that there is enough time to pass information from the previous shift to you and the person you are replacing does not have to stay after his/her shift is over, especially if you are replacing an Owl shift. Being late is disrespectful to your colleagues.   5.  If this is your very first CLAS12 shift ever, you are strongly encouraged to seat-in and shadow any shift before your first shift. If your travel plans do not allow you to arrive in advance you may always connect to the counting house as an observer to watch shift activities. Zoom session is always open in the counting-house.      If for any reason you are not able to cover your assigned shift, notify immediately PDL and RC so that we can arrange a replacement. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Your friendly PDL, -Eugene

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