List of contributing systematics


Detector Contributions:

Acceptance: Look at previous data using SeaQuest and check for false asymmetries also use Monte Carlo to study phi-modulation

Fiducial  Limits:  Study detector limitations and necessary cuts

Time Variations:  Look at time dependence from gas or field drifts

Accidentals: Study contribution of pion-decay accidental background to the left-right asymmetry

Tracking and Reconstruction Error:  Compare background seen in MC and real data

Trigger Inefficiency:  Understand efficiency in trigger and expected limitations and asymmetries associated

Change in instrumental noise: Prop tube, chambers, etc...


Beamline Uncertainty:

Luminosity: Variation in luminosity not accounted for

Beam Drifts:  Drifts over beam spill or over several hours leading to false left-right asymmetry

Scrapping:  Left-right asymmetries induced by beam scrapping

Deadtime:  Need accurate accounting for deadtime and efficient monitoring of detectors in this accounting


Target Systematics: (Can be different for proton and deuteron)

Know Uncertainty in polarized target: TE, Temp/pressure measurements, baseline, mag field drifts, charge averaging, NMR tune drifts, area measurements

Dilution Factor: Must be measured and calculated

Packing Fraction: Must be measured and calculated

Initial Polarization Homogeneity: Microwave induced differences

Beam Heating Polarization Effects: Secondaries scatterng off the down stream end might heat things up to lower the polarizaton

Uneven decays in Polarization:  The target receives a different dose over its length