You can add assets from other Mandala tools in any rich text field in Visuals. These fields include: 

Click the  in the toolbar for these fields to access the importer. For more details, see the instructions below. 

  1. Create or edit a collection or visualization 
  2. Find a rich text editor field
  3. Place your cursor where you want to insert the Mandala asset
  4. Click on the  Mandala icon in the toolbar
  5. Switch the "Type" to the type of asset you want to add
  6. To use a asset you created, enter your computing id in the "Show only from user" field
  7. Use the other fields as needed to find the asset you want
  8. Click on the asset you want to add
  9. Click Add item
  10. Repeat this process to add more assets
  11. Save the visualization or collection when you're done