Perspectives are a feature specific to the Places Knowledge Maps site. They let you switch between different place trees, each with a different "perspective" or focus:

Perspectives don't interact with each other. They're just different place trees within Places. If you add a child to a KMap, it will stay on the same perspective tree as the parent term. Some KMaps may share names across perspectives. For example, "Charlottesville" can be considered from the "national administrative unit" perspective, but also from the "cultural regions" perspective. However, the "cultural-region Charlottesville" KMap is NOT the same as the "national-administrative Charlottesville" KMap, since they're on two different trees.

To switch perspectives in Places:

  1. Go to the places editor at
  2. Click on the Main Menu icon
  3. Click Perspectives
  4. Choose the perspective you want to see