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h2. *Welcome to the UVa Knowledge Base*

*Community-Driven Support for a Sustainable Ecology of Tools*

The UVa Knowledge Base is a living repository of information on digital life at the University of Virginia.  Developed and maintained by SHANTI, the Knowledge Base aims to provide members of the UVa community with four primary aspects of support: (1) guides to working with specific digital tools; (2) help in getting oriented to various areas of digital technology such as audio-video, or dynamic website creation; (3) hands-on guides to digital technology in teaching and research; and (4) discussion pages devoted to both specific digital tools and general topics in technology at the University. 

{div3:class=launch discussions}
{div4:class=ltitle}Discussions{div4}{div4:class=lcontent}Need some interaction? Post a question and have it answered in Discussions.{div4}
{link-page:User Information}
{div3:class=launch getting-around}
{div4:class=ltitle}Getting Around{div4}{div4:class=lcontent}Learn how to navigate the various roads of the Knowledge Base.{div4}
{link-page:Help Documents}
{div3:class=launch help-docs}
{div4:class=ltitle}Help Docs{div4}{div4:class=lcontent}From how to use a specific tool to planning your next major project, Help Documents get you oriented to where you need to go.{div4}
{div3:class=launch ask-shanti}
{div4:class=ltitle}Ask Shanti{div4}{div4:class=lcontent}If the Help Docs and Discussions can't get you where you need to go, ask us\!{div4}