Here’s an example of a project in Mandala. We’ve collected a series of poetry readings and performances from open-source databases like PennSound. To enhance the collection, we’ve added lesson plans, biographies, and data visualizations. The final set of resources contains: 

  1. A collection of video and sound recordings from reading series around the country, with a subcollection for each reading. These videos are cataloged by subject and location. 
  2. A graph on the gender of poetry slam finalists. 
  3. A lesson plan for teaching students about poetry as an oral genre, using the media resources in Mandala. 
  4. A bibliography of resources on poetry performance. 

All of these resources are connected by Knowledge Maps, which are taxonomies or ontologies of terms. Knowledge Maps let you group different types of media by tagging each resource.   

1. Add your resources

Before we connect or tag resources with Knowledge Maps, we need to add your resources. Each type of media has it's own Mandala tool, but the process is always the same. We'll create a collection to house your resources, along with any subcollections you need. Then, we'll add your resources to the collection. Remember, you'll need to switch tools every time you add a different type of media. Make sure to use: 


Add sound and video


First, we'll work with sound and video recordings in Audio-Video.

Sign in to by clicking the  icon in the top right corner, then Log in Via NetBadge. Don't worry about whether you have an account: Mandala works with your computing id and password. Mandala may even sign you in automatically once you click Log in.  

Now that you're signed in, make your new collection. From the Audio-Video homepage, click Add New Collection. Fill out all the fields, including a title. Pay close attention to the privacy settings: we'll show you how to add group members next. Once you Save, your new collection will open automatically. 

Members can contribute to the collection. If you've made the collection private, they're the only ones that can see resources. Click Members from the collection pagethen Add People. You can then enter the computing ids of your contributors. Make sure they've logged into Mandala at least once, otherwise, they won't be in the database. 

You've now finished starting your collection and adding associated members. You can also make subcollections by clicking Add Subcollection from the collection page. 

Now let's add some recordings. To do so, click Add Audio or Add Video, fill out the metadata form, upload your file under "Media" and Save. Pay close attention to the Availability & Access section to make sure the settings are correct. The "Workflow" section can help you track editing and archiving progress – you can see workflows for all your entries by clicking  > My Workflow > My Content.

Add each recording to the collection or subcollection. 


2. Create new Knowledge Maps

Before you decide whether you need new Knowledge 

3. Label resources with Knowledge Maps