Mediabase is a suite of sites included in the Mandala project framework. Its digital tools can be used for audio, video, and essay collection management. It interacts with the Knowledge Maps tool, which allows you to connect your various video, audio, and text collections together into one place: a hierarchical "knowledge map." In the digital ecology at UVa, the Mediabase is a central resource for building and classifying collections of scholarly content.

First, create an account. Then, create a collection and add various types of media to it. As you go, catalog your media using Knowledge Map, or "KMap", terms. Finally, view your content, as well as the content of others, and focus your exploration by searching for KMap terms that interest you. 

Use the Audio-Visual tool to add audio and video files, along with matching transcripts. When you upload A//V content, Kaltura automatically processes the media to create various compressions at different sizes and qualities, so you should always upload the highest quality media you can. There is a 2GB limit to media size. Keep in mind that large files will take a long time to upload, especially when using slower internet connections.

Here are some suggestions for media quality standards:

HD Video (ADD INFO) SD Video (ADD INFO) Audio (ADD INFO)