Background setting(s):

sets the background or fill color, the border color, and the border width

Enable user draw?: 

lets your audience draw on the chart or graph

Data Source URL

This field provides one way to upload your Google Docs spreadsheet, containing the data that will be used to create your visualization, into SHIVA. To use this option, you do not need to allow SHIVA read-only access to your Google Drive. For information on using it, see the Copy a Spreadsheet into SHIVA step-by-step guide


Font size:

set the font size of the text in your chart


controls how tall you want your chart/graph  to appear


controls how wide you want your chart/graph to appear

Graph Only

Font Color:

sets the color of the font in your graph

Link colors (applies only to graphs):

sets colors for the chords in the graph

Link line width (applies only to graphs):

sets the width of the links

Node shape (applies only to graphs):

formats the shape of the nodes

Chart Only

Chart area setting(s)
Chart colors
Data Filter:

either screen some sections of data from view, or reorder data in order to focus attention on a certain section of it. Because the filters reorder data based on how it is labelled, you need to have designated header rows with labels for each column in your Google Docs spreadsheet

  1. Filter Date: filters the data in your spreadsheet to show certain sections of your data

      2. Reorder data: reorder categories according to a certain subset of data. Be aware that changing any items in the "SHOW" drop-down menu will result in an error message.

Font name:

set the font you want your chart to display

Horizontal axis settings (applies only to charts):

formats the x-axis

Legend position (applies only to charts): controls where you want the legend to appear in respect to the chart

Legend text setting(s): customize how the legend will appear

Line width: controls the width of the lines depicting your data

Opacity of area chart: controls the opacity of the area below the chart lines

Series setting(s): allows you to overlay several chart styles on top of each other, with each column of data being depicted by its own style

Size of points: determines how the points in your chart will appear

Stacked chart?: controls how you want the data to appear in the chart

Title above chart (applies only to charts)

Tool tip setting(s): styles how the text in the tool tip will appear

Vertical axis setting(s): formats the y-axis