You can use Texts to find, view, and create essays and books in Mandala.

Step-by-Step Guides

To find texts in Mandala, use the search bar. You can search texts by different attributes, including titles. If you just want to browse texts in general, and do not have a specific term you want to access, that option is also available. If you're having want to read your own texts after creating them, you can also browse them in Mandala.

If you want to read texts, you can have several options. You can read the text in PubReader or examine it in Voyant.

To begin building texts, first familiarize yourself with the structure of texts in Mandala. You can then start your text by creating the first page, or "root node" of text. Add additional content by appending pages to that root node.

Once you've built your text, you can edit its content. For more information on editing capabilities, you should explore the content editor. You can also reorder the pages in your text if necessary.

Text do not have to contain purely written content: you can also add media, footnotes, tables, or content from other sites using iframes.