Sometimes you may want to change the position of a Knowledge Map in a tree. You can move a KMap by reassigning its parent (see Building Knowledge Maps for more information about parents). To do this: 

  1. Create a new Feature Relation (for places) or Subject Relation (for subjects) between the KMap and its new parent
  2. Delete the old Feature Relation or Subject Relation between the KMap and the old parent

Assign the new parent before you delete the relationship to the old parent! If you delete the old relationship first, your KMap will hard to find and you may lose it entirely. 

Step-by-Step Guide

Let's imagine you want to move the subject Fish from under Foodso that Fish now falls under Pets in the tree. 

  1. Open the KMap you want to move
  2. Switch to Edit Mode using the main menu 
  3. Open the Feature Relations or Subject Relations section (for places or subjects, respectively)
  4. Click Add New Feature Relationship 
  5. Find the new parent
  6. Click Select next to the new parent
  7. Enter the relationship type and the perspective
  8. Choose the perspective, then Save
  9. Delete the old parent relationship by clicking (minus) next to it