How to get access to UVA-Rivanna?

Only faculty, staff and Research associate are eligible to be the Principle Investigator (PI) who can request access to the Rivanna. Students (undergraduate or gradute) will request the access to the PI.

For faculty, staff and research associate who want to request Rivanna access, here is the form: 

For students who work in the Solid Polarized target group, just email me ( and I will grant you the access to the Rivanna.

Hera are some important link to start: 

How to connect?

You can connect using Linux terminal or Web-based-terminal. To connect to the Web-based-terminal:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log in with your computing ID and password
  3. Click Clusters and Then Click Rivanna Shell Access
  4. You should see the terminal opened. And you are in /home/<your computing id>. For example, mine would be /home/za2hd

You can work either in your home directory or /scratch/<USER ID>.

Once you logged in. go to your working directory and copy the main codes, which are located in polar machine /home/ptgroup/Akbar/som/som2019/may/test/test4:

scp*.py . 

type the standard password of ptgroup

Then copy the text files which contains the generated signal and background:

scp*.txt . 

type the standard password of ptgroup

Then copy the script to submit job using slurm to rivanna

scp . 

In your directory:

  1. copy the "singularity" which is the bundel tensorflow package: cp $CONTAINERDIR/tensorflow-1.12.0-py36.simg <YOUR DIRECTORY>
  2. If step-1 above does not work, for the first time you need to run this command: module load singularity/2.6.1 and after that run this command: module load tensorflow/1.12.0-py36 ; It will tell you how to copy the container.
  3. Run the JOB: sbatch hello5.slurm
  4. See the job status: scontrol show job <your job id (it will appear after you submit the job>
  5. Wait at around 20-25 minutes to complete the job
  6. Once the job complete you will see some *.png files and output text files.

Try to follow the instruction. Let me know if you encounter any problems. We will discuss the next step after you successfully run the code.

Running a job in Rivanna (updated in December 2020)

Here are some recent instructions for running jobs on Rivanna (by Nick & Ishara):

1. Make sure that Prof. Keller has added you to both the spin and spinquest groups in Rivanna.  Without both groups, you will not be able to gain access to the system. There are two ways of accessing Rivanna (; you can follow either step (2) or step (3) mentioned below.

2. Web-based Access  (Click on "Launch OpenOndemand" > You will need your UVA computing ID and password to log in)

3. Secure Shell Access:

4. Once the job is started, you will see a job ID in your Rivanna terminal. You can monitor the progress of your job by navigating the the "Jobs" page on your web browser (see fig 1 above). 

5. The results of the replicas will be in your home directory of Rivanna under the name Results(0-14).csv.  These can be sent back to your local system for analysis with the scp command or downloading via the OpenOnDemand