ONNX (The Open Neural Network Exchange) is an AI ecosystem that created standards for representing machine learning algorithms. These standards allow ONNX machine learning algorithms to be run on a wide variety of machines (unfortunately excluding Apple).

ONNX supports a wide variety of frameworks, including Matlab, Keras, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. For a full list and detailed instructions on converting to and from ONNX models, see this page: https://onnx.ai/supported-tools.html

Instructions for converting a TensorFlow model to ONNX:

  1. Install ONNX convertor:
    pip install git+https://github.com/onnx/tensorflow-onnx
  2. To convert a model from TensorFlow to ONNX, run the following.
    python -m tf2onnx.convert --saved-model tensorflow-model-path --output model.onnx
  3. The model is now ready to be run on ONNX Runtime.

ONNX Runtime

ONNX does not itself perform inference. To do that, you need to install a runtime that can run ONNX. Use the following website for installation and operation instructions: https://onnxruntime.ai/index.html#getStartedTable

Using this, you can perform inference up to 17x faster. ONNX Runtime also allows you to accelerate PyTorch training (only PyTorch so far) up to 40% faster.