Algorithmic Hit Filter:

Removes easily recognizable noise patterns, such as Delta-rays, cell-edge hits, and electronic noise. They can be characterized as such:

These can be easily removed using if statements.

Event Filter:

After the algorithmic hit removal, we train a classification neural network to recognize hit patterns of interesting physics events. The network evaluates an event and outputs a probability that the event is worth further analysis. 

Some characteristics the network can be trained to look for are:

Depending on the desired characteristic and the probability threshold we assign, more or fewer events will be let through for further analysis.

Classification neural networks often have three measures of performance: precision, recall, and F-measure. The precision is defined as true positives divided by assigned positives. The recall is defined as true positives divided by true positives plus false negatives. The F-measure is the harmonic mean of the two.

The event filters trained so far have an F-measure of around 0.8.

Track Finder

Events deemed worthy of further analysis are passed to a neural network that determines which hits correspond to full dimuon tracks. This network uses convolution layers to