Policy 1: Invited talks

If a collaborator receives a personal invitation to represent the E1039
collaboration at a conference or workshop, the collaborator should inform the
Speakers Board for approval. While the Speakers Board will usually honor invitations
extended to individual collaborators for invited talks at a conference or workshop,
the collaboration reserves  the right to choose the speaker for an invited talk at a
conference or workshop, if that talk covers results obtained by the E1039
collaboration, to ensure a fair allocation of invited talks among the collaboration.

Policy 2: Mandating practice talks before all external presentations Before any public presentation to a conference or workshop, the speaker must give a practice talk which must be broadcast (on Zoom, Bluejeans, etc) and announced well enough in advance (seven days) that all interested collaborators can listen to and comment on. At least two collaborators must be in attendance. This rule does not apply to job interview talks.
This requirement takes the form of a post to the main E1039 mailing list(e1039@lanl.gov)
explicitly stating when and where/how the practice talk will occur and making it possible
for other SpinQuest members to call it via Zoom, Bluejeans, etc. You can also reach out to
the Chair/Spokespeople to ask for help setting something up in a Collaboration phone meeting.
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