How to use this guide

This is a complete list of metadata fields for texts in Mandala.

You can use these tables to guide your data entry. We've listed fields in the order they appear in the editor. Each section in the editor has its own table. 

For certain fields, you have a restricted list of options called controlled vocabulariesWe've listed the controlled vocabularies for those fields at the bottom of the page.



Field labelDefinitionType

Allows multiples (?)

ContentThe content of your text or text section. You can learn more at Add Sections to Texts.

long text


LanguageThe language of the content. If the text is a translation, you can record the original language in the Catalog Data section.controlled vocabulary 

KMap Terms

Field labelDefinitionType

Allows multiples (?)

Subject A subject associated with the text or text section. This field uses Knowledge Maps.


Place A place associated with the text or text section. This field uses Knowledge Maps. kmap  (tick)

Catalog Data

Field labelDefinitionType

Allows multiples (?)

DescriptionA description or summary of the text's content.

long text


AuthorThe author(s) of the text.short text(tick)
EditorThe editor of the text.short text 
TranslatorThe translator of the text.short text 
Original languageThe language in which the text was originally written (if the text is a translation). You can include the language of the current version in the Content section.long text 
DateThe date of publication. This defaults to the current date. If you want to modify the date, use the format YY-MM-DD.short text 
Publication yearThe publication year of the current edition of the text.short text 
Original publication yearThe publication year of the first edition of the text, if the text is a later edition.short text 
RightsA description of the rights that apply to this text.

long text

(plain text)

Rights (CC)The creative commons license that applies to the text. You can learn more about each license at vocabulary 


Field labelDefinitionType

Allows multiples (?)

CollectionThe Mandala collection for this text. Collections help you group and organize your texts. The drop-down includes all Mandala collections where you have permission to add texts. Learn how to Create a Text Collection.

controlled vocabulary

VisibilityPrivacy settings for your image. controlled vocabulary 


Field labelDefinitionType

Allows multiples (?)

status A short phrase that describes the status of the text, like "written" or "proofread." This helps your team organize their workflow.

short text


Revision information

Field labelDefinitionType

Allows multiples (?)

Revision log message A message that describes any edits to the text. Other authors and editors can see this log to help them understand your edits.

long text

(plain text)


Publishing options

Field labelDefinitionType

Allows multiples (?)

PublishedIf this box is checked, the text will be published. Anyone who has access to the text can read a published text. If this box is unchecked, the text will save as a draft that only you can read.



Controlled Vocabularies

Rights (CC)

Find definitions for each license at


Controlled vocabulary termDefinition
Use Group DefaultsThe privacy settings for the collection apply to the text.
Public – Accessible To All Site UsersAnyone that visits Mandala can see this text.
Private – Accessible Only To Group MembersOnly members of the text's collection can see this text.



If a field allows multiples, you can use that field more than once. For example, you can have many contributors for a single Audio-Video asset. 


A WYSIWYG editor, or "what you see is what you get" editor, lets you add styling to your text without special code or markup. The Mandala WYSIWYG editor also lets you embed assets from other Mandala tools using the  icon in the toolbar. 

  • No labels