Jane was a recent graduate from one of the best universities in the country. Although she received an excellent education it was tough for her to find a good job to start her career. From the very beginning she knew she wanted to work for one of the largest multinational companies. That was not only because they offered a high payroll and a number of perks, but also because global companies often put enormous effort to recruit best of the best to work for them.This idea made Jane really excited as she had real opportunity to work with the globally recognized specialists. Eventually after a great deal of time spent on numerous interviews Jane managed to get a job offer from the company with what she thought had a strong corporate culture. It was her first working day in the company… HR specialist introduced Carolyn to Jane. Carolyn has worked in the company for more than 5 years and seemed to feel as a big fish in the small pond there. Carolyn was supposed to coach Jane so that she performed well in her workplace. Carolyn showed a newcomer some data and presentations about the company (there was much stuff to look through) and said that the next day she will answer all the questions. Jane was so enthusiastic about her new role: she looked through all the materials and by the end of the day made a list of questions that has arisen while she was working on the files.
Jane showed up in the office early next morning. She checked for Carolyn, but she was not at her desk.

Carolyn appeared an hour later and seemed to be in a good mood. Jane decided to wait for some time before rushing in to Carolyn with her questions. About half an hour later Jane approached Carolyn's desk with the list of issues that bothered her.

– Hi Carolyn, how are you doing?
– Well, fine and you?
– I am good except for several things that I wanted you to explain to me. I was going to…
– Wait-wait-wait, - said Carolyn, idly seeping her coffee – I'm not awaken yet so don't rush with your stuff at me! Leave me alone for now. You can get back in a couple of hours and I'll help you with all your questions.

Jane was shocked. More than two hours have passed since the beginning of the working day and Carolyn was "not awaken yet". Was that normal in this company to behave the way Carolyn did? Was all that Jane knew about this company and the team there false? Was she mistaken with her choice to work for this company? Whom does she ask? What does she do?