Notes let you add more information to Knowledge Map fields. You can use these notes to track your own workflow or give extra information to the public. 

To add a note: 

  1. Edit the Knowledge Map where you want to add the note
  2. Click on the Knowledge Map category where you want to add a note
    • Metadata information will expand
  3. Find the row for the data where you want to add a note
  4. Click the + icon under "Add Note" 
    • The new note page will open
  5. Add a title for your note
  6. Enter your text for the note
  7. Choose whether to make your note public
  8. Click Create
    • Your new note will open

To see a note in the editor: 

  1. Edit the Knowledge Map where you want to see the note
  2. Click on the Knowledge Map category where you want to add a note
    • Metadata information will expand
  3. Click on the note's title in the "Notes" column
    • The note will open so you can read it

To edit or delete a note: 

  1. Edit the Knowledge Map where you want to see the note
  2. Click on the Knowledge Map category where you want to add a note
    • Metadata information will expand
  3. Click on the note's title in the "Notes" column
    • The note will open
  4. To delete the note, click the red - icon next to the note's title
    • Confirm your deletion when prompted
    • Your note will be deleted
  5. To edit your note, click the pencil icon
    • Edit the fields, then click Update
    • Your note will update