• unproperty nodes convert data from one class to whichever class you specify
  • must select class to property node by wiring refnum to reference
  • its always good practice to keep error wires- this way, if there is a bug in your code it will be easier to pinpoint exactly where its originating from
  • Wire the refnum associated with the to the top references, the converted output will come from the bottom under Property1,3,5,etc.
  • Reference out returns the original reference
  • Even properties underneath the original data represent properties you want to set, odds are the properties you want to get ---- actually not true, you can change anything to a read or write property
  • you can create a property node just like how you create a local variable- click on object, make property node and then select type.
  • you can add more properties by selecting the drop-down
  • PROPERTY NODE VS INVOKE NODE: a property node is a state that can be read from or written to (conversion) and an invoke node invokes method or action on a reference.
  • http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361M-01/lvhowto/creating_property_nodes/
  • http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361N-01/glang/property_node/
  • https://blog.digilentinc.com/using-property-nodes-in-labview/
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