The world of business is undergoing a rapid transformation. There is a growth in business activity and a rise in new entrants due to the elimination of entry barriers and the competitive advantage afforded by technology. The brick-and-mortar companies of yester-years are morphing into sleek and tech savvy enterprises, thanks to the power of the internet. Businesses can only survive and thrive in such an environment by creating and strengthening their web presence and online marketing efforts.

Making Online Marketing Count

Set Goals

To paraphrase the words of Stephen Covey of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ fame, all online brand building and marketing efforts should begin with the end in mind. The brand owner and manager should set a roadmap for their businesses and chart a plan of action to realize their plans. Breaking the goals into manageable bits and strategizing on how to achieve them are a part of the process.

Focus on Content

Content is the best available internet marketing tool as it drives traffic to a company’s website and complements its marketing efforts. An SEO agency would be a great help in developing content that is original, exceptional and optimized for search engines.

Diversify Marketing

A cardinal rule of internet marketing is to avoid the pitfall of a single marketing strategy. For example, search engine optimization can boost the website’s ranking on Google as long as the search engine does not upgrade its existing algorithm. To safeguard against such an eventuality, it is best to adopt marketing strategies such as paid advertising and guerrilla marketing options such as banner advertising.

Websites and emails are a time-tested means of connecting businesses with customers. Search engine marketing would contribute to online marketing through the use of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Banner advertising, which involves buying and selling of ad space on other websites, would also serve as a handy tool in the online marketing efforts. Participation in online forums is another great way of connecting with a target audience.

Sell Experiences

Customer expectations are disrupting the internet and online marketing. Customers are displaying a marked preference for companies that share the same passions and values as themselves. Brand connectedness has become more important than product pricing and features, and companies that sell experiences carry a higher weight in the changed scenario.

Play on Emotions

Businesses have to recognize the fact that consumers are individuals blessed with intense emotions and concentrate on promoting a feeling rather than a product. The emotions featured in a marketing campaign need to resonate with the brand so that they appear to be a natural extension of the marketing strategy. A strong marketing campaign that taps into a wide range of emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger and pride is the need of the hour.

To conclude, the marketplace is becoming increasingly crowded and noisy. The better you connect with the market, the better the results will be. And online marketing makes the connection possible.

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